Developer guide

Fonzie’s project has been designed with “container-native development” in mind. In this guide, we will consider that your are familiar with Docker and its ecosystem.

Pre-requisites for Fonzie contributors

As you might already have expected, we extensively use Docker (17.12+) and Docker compose (1.18+) in our development workflow. So, if you intend to work on Fonzie, please, make sure they are both installed and functional before pursuing this guide.

Getting started with the development stack

First things first, to start contributing on the project, you will need to clone Fonzie’s repository and then build the Docker-based development stack with:

# Clone Fonzie's repository
$ git clone

# Build required containers
$ make bootstrap

The make bootstrap command will:

  • build an edx-platform Docker image with Fonzie installed and configured,
  • run the development server
  • perform Open edx LMS database migrations.

Fonzie’s API should be accessible from: http://localhost:8072/api/v1.0/

We invite you to test the status/version endpoint to ensure everything went well:

$ curl

Development workflow

If you use to work with Django’s development server, you will have the same experience with a Docker-based development stack: Fonzie is installed in edit mode and mounted as a volume in the lms service. Combined with the development server, the application will be reloaded when the source code changes.

Adding dependencies

If your work on Fonzie requires new dependencies, you will need to:

  1. Update the options.install_requires section of the setup.cfg file (or the options.extras_require.[dev,doc,...] section if it’s a development dependency),
  2. Rebuild the lms service image via the make build utility.
  3. Optionally perform required database migrations via:
$ make migrate